This section aims to help understand some of the care issues surrounding common clinical conditions for older people, including those residing in residential aged care facilities. If you have any suggestions for revisions or perhaps resources, we would consider these as well.

The book Medical care of older persons in residential aged care facilities by The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners is an excellent resource and aims to provide general practitioners, and other health professionals including residential aged care nurses, with a resource for delivering quality health care in residential aged care facilities.

The overall content was developed and reviewed by a national taskforce of health professionals working across the aged care sector. In addition, general practitioners, consumer representatives and aged care experts provided valuable input and feedback.

Care topics cover common clinical conditions for older persons in RACF's:

Download: Medical care of older persons in residential aged care facilities [pdf:432kb] (4th edition, Prepared by The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners – ‘Silver Book’ National Taskforce)